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December 21, 2016 


The Trump Doctrine: A Work in Progress

The world is in a "frenzy of study," Henry Kissinger said in a recent interview. At home and abroad, strategists and pundits are trying to piece together a blueprint of American foreign policy under U.S. President-elect Donald Trump from a stream of tweets, some campaign slogans, a few eye-catching Cabinet picks, meetings at Trump Tower, and a pingpong match already underway with Beijing. Highbrow intellectualism can be a handicap in this exercise.


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A Stratfor Holiday Gift Guide

With the holiday season in mind, we have compiled a list of 20 gift ideas to sharpen the mind and cast the world in a new light. Or watch this quick video of Stratfor Editor Evan Rees discussing three of our top picks.



The U.K. Plots Its Brexit Course 

Six months after the referendum, the British government is hammering out the details of its negotiating strategy. Plus: what this all means for the future of Europe



TAPI: A Transnational Pipe Dream

Until Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India can overcome the issues that have so far stalled its progress, the proposed pipeline connecting them will remain out of reach.



India's Economic Long Game

The prime minister is making hefty economic sacrifices in the hopes of being re-elected. Plus, watch our Geographic Challenge video on India for more insights into the country (first published in 2014).


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