
Hi there,

Consumers use a wide array of devices and online/offline touchpoints throughout their purchase journeys, leaving marketers with the difficult task of trying to understand which online devices and offline behaviors belong to a consumer, as well as who that consumer is.

As a result, identity resolution – the science of connecting the growing volume of consumer identifiers to one individual as he or she interacts across channels and devices – has become critical to marketing success and essential for compliance with data privacy laws.

Download MarTech's "Identity Resolution Platforms: A Marketer's Guide" to stay up to date and learn about new and better features in the latest generation of this technology. This 55-page report is your source for the latest news, trends, opportunities and challenges facing this market as seen by industry leaders, vendors and their customers.

Also included are profiles of leading vendors, capabilities comparisons and recommended steps for evaluating and purchasing.

Thank you, 
The MarTech team

Download the report!