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TODAY'S HEADLINES  |  March 9, 2020

Tate, a former presidential finalist, named new USC provost

Bill Tate was among 3 finalists for the post and was also 1 of 4 finalists for the position of USC president last year. He becomes the first African American provost in the university’s history.

Konduros ready to work with state chamber on tax reforms

Sam Konduros, CEO and president of economic development organization SCBio, says he looks forward to tackling franchise tax and business licenses, among other issues.

Bobbitt - lease, buy or build?
Trinity Partners - thank you

USC/Clemson contest at Segra Park draws record crowd

The first contest between the in-state rivals played at the home of the Columbia Fireflies drew 8,986 fans and created an estimated economic impact of $326,709. The Gamecocks defeated the Tigers, 8-5, on Feb. 29.

When it comes to broadband, size matters

Unsurprisingly, the largest cities and towns in South Carolina have the best coverage for high-speed internet service, according to data from a business group that uses government data and private sources.

Visual Infonomics - Empowering Communities with Data
TAx & Asset
The Daily Report is published by the Columbia Regional Business Report,
a publication of SC Biz News. 

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