Dear John,

I recently read about companies installing “tattletale” software on the computers of their remote workers. The software actually tracks the work the employee is doing. One software even takes a picture every 60 seconds to verify the employee is sitting in front of the computer!

Here is a question: If you treat people like 5 year olds, will they act like 5 year olds?

Ronald Reagan famously said “Trust but verify.”

A thought for you.

Old school managers trust but verify the output.

Coach Leaders trust but verify the outcome.

Do you see the difference? I hope so because Top Performers seek out Coach Leaders and Coach Leaders attract, develop, and keep Top Performers.

Choose To Win!


P.s. I have a new book coming out soon that details the massive disruption the business world is going through and how to thrive when everyone else is struggling. Check it out here:


Ziglar, Inc., 15400 Knoll Trail Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Texas 75248 United States 1 (800) 527-0306