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  January 26, 2018 Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Join us on LinkedIn

Editor's note

Dear readers,

Thanks to everyone who has responded to our request for comments! As you may know, HCPro is conducting market research for a product we would like to launch soon and there's still time to send us your feedback. We’re developing an updated and electronic version of The Resident’s Orientation Handbook that residents could easily access on their computers or mobile devices. Do you think this product would be helpful and why? Do you think residents prefer electronic resources over printed materials? What topics would you like to see addressed in this resource? If you have any feedback to share, please send it to editor Karen Kondilis at For providing feedback, you will be given a free on-demand webinar. Thanks!

Son Hoang, editor, Residency Program Insider

Editor's Picks

Teach communication to your radiology residents

The ACGME holds residents to certain proficiency standards when it comes to communicating with patients. However, there are no comprehensive guidelines when it comes developing curricula that reflects these goals. Fortunately, new analysis courtesy of Academic Radiology has listed a variety of teaching techniques that incorporate communication education.

Heard this week


New study examines international perspectives regarding physician mentoring

Mentoring is an essential component to personal development, academic success, and career progression. A cross-sectional study was conducted of ACGME-International residency and fellowship training programs at Hamad Medical Corporation in Qatar to determine their current practice of mentoring.

New for RPA subscriber-only: Ranking candidates and the Match process

After the interviews are completed, the interview committee holds the ranking session. In this session, the interview committee discusses the candidates’ interviews and the interview committee’s insights and recommendations, and then it generates the Match List. This list is then submitted to the appropriate matching program. Read more.


Marketing Spotlight

Resident Well-Being: A Guide for Residency Programs

For many new physicians, residency can be a major source of stress and fatigue, which affects their ability to care for themselves and their patients. Recently, the ACGME added a Well-Being section to its Common Program Requirements. Although it is not a new problem, issues regarding physician mental health have been slow to address thanks to certain lingering stigmas.

Resident Well-Being is a tool for residency program directors, coordinators, and faculty to teach residents how to pay more attention to their self-care and understand the influence their wellness has on the care they give their patients. This resource will specifically address how to help residents with burnout, depression, stress, and achieving a healthy work-life balance. Training tools are included, as well as case studies and examples from various programs about the tools they have already implemented for resident wellness.

This book will help you:

  • Assess your program for resident wellness
  • Identify signs of burnout and depression in residents
  • Create a safe working and social environment for residents to excel

For more information or to order your copy, click

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Contact Us

Son Hoang
Associate Editor
Residency Program Insider

75 Sylvan Street, Suite A-101
Danvers, MA 01923

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