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Classroom Connections | Teacher Update

Six green and purple spoons hang around the lip of a white ceramic bowl
Art & Humanities | Resources and Professional Development from the Smithsonian American Art Museum

Circling Up

August 2022

What happens when we share a meal, a moment? How does this build community? Communication?

This summer, in face-to-face and virtual settings we've heard about teachers' experiences coming back together. You've shared so honestly about the challenges and opportunities of classroom teaching last year.

In response, I've zoomed in with this year's programming: more specific, more practical, and (hopefully) more fun. What do you need more of?

May the start of this year have joyful connection in it,

Photographic portraits of two smiling Black women flank a colorful artwork.

Webinar: Alma Thomas, Teacher, Artist, Trailblazer (Part 2) 

Tuesday, September 13, 4 – 5 p.m. 

Join a rich conversation with aerospace engineer Janelle Wellons and horticulturist Abra Lee, as they reflect on artist Alma Thomas’s legacy as a STEAM trailblazer. Wellons shares insights on how visual images and inquiry can unlock the mysteries of the cosmos, while Lee unearths the histories of Black gardeners. Together, these reflections provide an in-depth understanding of Thomas’s cultural impact and the ways in which her work continues to inspire adults and students alike. 

Free | Online program. | Registration required via Eventbrite 
A screenshot of a webpage reads "Teacher Guides and Resources"

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SAAM's Website for Teachers

We want to better serve you through our website:
  • What do you want to be able to do on our website? 
  • What do you find frustrating, currently?
  • When you look for SAAM resources, where do you go first?
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Four people sit on green benches. The two closest to the viewer seem to be sleeping.
A large family works together inside a brightly-lit kitchen to make tamales.

Take Care of You

A Journaling Activity for the New Year

Take a look at the artworks above. Which one connects with an issue that you care about? Use the prompts below to journal:
  • One Issue: Name the issue. Why does it matter to you?
  • Three Strengths: What are two strengths you have? What is one strength of your community's?
  • One Goal: What goal might you set to address that issue? How might you use the strengths you named?
Now, imagine that you're one year in the future.
  • What would it look like if you achieved your goal?
  • What challenges did you overcome? What strengths and skills did you use?
  • What benefit would your work bring to your community?
If you found this valuable, keep your eye out for our upcoming SEL Toolkit, "Communicating Across Differences." Our bilingual first edition, "All Feeling Are Welcome Here," is on SAAM's website.

Additional Virtual Programs

Build SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) Skills 

Wednesday, November 16, 4:15 – 5:45 p.m. (Eastern)

Build Problem-Solving Skills with Craft

Wednesday, February 15, 4:15 – 5:45 p.m. (Eastern)

Image Credits:
Top: Gwendolyn Yoppolo, scoopbowl service, 2010, porcelain with matte crystalline glazes and high temperature wire, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Rebecca Anne Sive, 2021.74A-K

Bottom, Left: Loïs Mailou Jones, Les Clochards, Montmartre, Paris, 1947, casein on board, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Bequest of the artist, 2006.24.9

Bottom, Right: Carmen Lomas Garza, Tamalada, 1990, color lithograph, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Museum purchase made possible by John B. Turner, 1997.5, (c) 1990, Carmen Lomas Garza 
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