Best Tips (May 31, 2019)
Here is a helpful article all about teaching kids about the value of a dollar. If you set them on a frugal path early, they can enjoy a lifetime of saving and avoid mistakes when they are out on their own.

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Today's Featured Post

Teaching Your Children About Money

By Krystal

A check register can be used to teach children about money.One day while I played dress-up, I had decided that I needed to go to the "store", so wearing one of Mom's white tee shirts, a scarf, and my mom's tennis shoes, I grabbed her purse and proceeded to put my play food in a little basket.

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Today's Guides
Identifying Scabies Bites
Scabies Bites on an arm
Treat Your Credit Card Like Real Money
Woman using Credit Card at store
Uses for Old Trophies
A collection of sports trophies.
Keeping Pets Hydrated
dog with empty dish
Wearing Sneakers
man tying sneaker
Today's Posts

Padded iPad Pouch

Padded iPad PouchThis video shows you the process of making an iPad sleeve. This pouch is super cute and makes a great gift.

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