September 7, 2022 |
Tech advice you can trust™ |
Don't fall for this tech support email scamTech support scams have been around for years. But a new version is circulating that is super easy for people to fall for. The scammers are spoofing a well-known tech support team with graphics and logos that are very close to the real deal. We've got all the signs to watch for and ways to avoid falling victim. Tap or click here for tips to spot this dangerous tech support scam. → |
BUSINESS SMARTSWhen you own your own business, you're the CEO, the marketer, the IT person and the data analyst. Don't go it alone. Get Kim's must-read small biz tips every week. |
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Got an email about your antivirus? It might be a scam You get an email saying you're being charged for renewing a subscription you don't even have. Before you freak out over the $300 charge, take a deep breath. It might be a scam trying to rile you up. These red flags are dead giveaways. Sick of all the tracking? DuckDuckGo's private email service is now open to anyone Previously only available to beta testers earlier this year, privacy-focused search engine DuckDuckGo has opened its Email Protection to anyone. The free service forwards emails to your Gmail or other email platforms but strips out hidden email trackers. Here's how to use it. These 5 malicious Chrome extensions were installed 1.4 million times — Here’s how to delete them Extensions let you customize your browser and add powerful new features. But not all extensions are helpful. Some can even be harmful, tracking you across the internet, hogging bandwidth or worse. Google recently removed five malicious extensions from the Chrome Webs Store, but they may still be on your device. Here's how to find and delete them. |
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Protect your most important data the right wayYou probably have thousands of photos on your phone eating up space, and you want to preserve those memories. IDrive is the perfect solution for backing up and protecting all your precious photos and videos. Use it to back up all your devices: PCs, Macs, servers, iPhones, Android phones and more. Sync everything to one account. IDrive is like an insurance policy for your data. Plans start at less than $7 a month. Go to and use "KIM" to get 50% off your first year. → |