Tiny action cam on a WWII-era sailboat; Windows 10 22H2 rolls out --
ZDNET Tech Today - US
October 19, 2022
Tech workers like their jobs. But they're still going to look for new ones
Businesses recognize the need to upskill their IT staff in a hot jobs market.
Hybrid working: Why more needs to be done to help women thrive


placeholder I tested the Insta360 Go 2 action cam on my WWII-era sailboat. It blew me away
placeholder M1 iPad Pro (2021) vs. M2 iPad Pro (2022): Is it worth the upgrade?
placeholder Microsoft starts rolling out the annual Windows 10 feature update, Windows 10 22H2
placeholder How to take great macro photos with the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max
placeholder Halloween deal: Save $120 on Eufy security cameras

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