Web Browser Privacy Risks; Cyber Pitfalls to Avoid; Healthcare Industry's Security Nightmare

InformationWeek Data Analytics
October 31, 2022
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Technology Feeds Sustainable Agriculture
Connected sensors, smart tractors, drones, ML, AI farm management software, and smartphone apps are quietly reshaping what has been a low-tech industry.

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Q&A: Web Browsers at Nexus of Data Privacy Exposures and Risk

Brian Ebert, Lokker advisory board member and former chief of staff of the US Secret Service, discusses findings and issues companies may face on data privacy.
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Cyber Pitfalls to Avoid this Halloween and Always

October brings cooler weather, Halloween festivities, and an opportunity to raise Cybersecurity awareness to use all year long.
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How a Marketing Tool is Becoming the Healthcare Industry’s Security Nightmare

Advocate Aurora Health is only one of many health systems to disclose a PHI (protected health information) leak related to use of "tracking pixels."
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The IoT Developer Marathon: Pushing through the ‘Last Mile’

Gathering data is a crucial function of IoT devices. Learn how to manage connections between devices and sensors to finish the last mile of an IoT project.
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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
9 Scary Examples of Malicious Insider Attacks
There are thousands of chilling insider threat stories. Far too many to put in this creepiest of creepy Halloween slideshows. But here are a bunch of hair-raising examples. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Pedal With Your Lungs: How Cycling and Software Training Align
October brings the UCI World Tour finale. As an avid cyclist and software application trainer, it also makes me think of the parallels between those interests. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
‘Trust’ Must Guide Cyber Risk Management During Geopolitical Incidents
Upcoming Forrester keynote: Maintaining customers’ trust, maintaining employees’ trust, and implementing a zero-trust architecture are all essential to the cybersecurity and risk decisions during war and other geo-political crises. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Cybersecurity Lessons from the Trial of Uber’s Former Chief Security Officer
A guilty verdict for a former Uber executive serves as a cautionary tale for how cybersecurity professionals approach data breaches. Read More
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