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July 12, 2022
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Real estate pros are connected to multiple tech platforms on a daily basis. Get insights on the most popular ones from NAR's 2022 Member Profile.
Full Story: REALTOR® Magazine (7/12) 
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Listing Presentation Checklist | Listing Presentation PDF
These Listing Presentation templates make you stand out from the competition. Give your prospects and clients a reason to place a premium on your expertise. Includes real listing presentation templates, scripts, and strategies. Click here to get the templates today: Download Now!
Best Practices in Sales & Marketing
We've heard of agents crawling through doggy doors to get inside a home showing and using the bathroom at a property mislabeled as an open house. What crazy story do you have from your time working in real estate? Share your story with REALTOR® Magazine.
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Exposing sellers to new color ideas can help bring in offers faster. Best practices include using neutral color schemes, introducing accent colors through art and adding a touch of color to appliances.
Full Story: Homes & Gardens (7/11) 
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Real Estate Trends
Karen Hatcher illuminates the many superpowers real estate professionals have in their arsenal and how to deploy them.
Full Story: REALTOR® Magazine/The Lounge (7/8) 
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A positive jobs report and unemployment holding below 4% are lending confidence to the real estate sector, though many observers continue to watch for signs of a slowdown. "The strong labor market is still a positive for the housing market, but overall demand has cooled from the recent jump in mortgage rates, high home prices and rising economic uncertainty," said Joel Kan of the Mortgage Bankers Association.
Full Story: The Real Deal (7/11) 
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A new-home builder sentiment survey from John Burns Real Estate Consulting finds the market softening as buyers reportedly are canceling orders and developers are lowering asking prices. The highest rates of cancellations were in Texas, the Southwest and Northern California, adding to unease among companies in what one Nashville, Tenn., home builder characterized as "scary times."
Full Story: MarketWatch (tiered subscription model) (7/11) 
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Technology & Innovations
From monitoring energy usage to automating appliances, smart-home technology is integrating more fully into homeowners' lives. Today's solutions are plentiful, offering innovative home efficiencies and comfort. Knowing what's available is a value-add for your clients. Broaden your expertise with this collection of articles.
Full Story: REALTOR® Magazine (7/12) 
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Although technological advancements such as automation, data analysis and artificial intelligence are shaping the real estate sector, it is important not to overlook the human element, writes Peter Abualzolof, CEO of Mashvisor, a real estate data analytics firm. "There is no doubt proptech has given newbies access to previously untapped resources and accelerated the rate at which investors can find and close profitable deals. However ... real estate is and remains a largely people's business," Abualzolof writes.
Full Story: Forbes (tiered subscription model) (7/11) 
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Fair & Equitable Housing
Individuals across the income spectrum—including those in the six-figure range—are affected by the country's affordable housing crisis, says Kenneth Bacon, co-founder and managing partner of RailField Partners and a former executive of Fannie Mae. The difficult and lengthy building process is the largest contributing factor to the affordable housing shortage, Bacon says.
Full Story: Nareit (7/8) 
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Legislation & Regulation
The Affordable New York tax provision—also known as 421a—expired in June when the state legislature ended its session, causing many affordable housing developers to rush to complete projects or develop other property types instead. Although lawmakers previously allowed the incentive to expire—and subsequently renewed it—some are looking to revamp the entire property tax system this time.
Full Story: The Wall Street Journal (7/11) 
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The National Association of REALTORS® is America's largest trade association, representing more than 1.5 million members involved in all aspects of the residential and commercial real estate industries. REALTOR® Magazine is the official magazine of NAR, bringing expert insight to real estate trends, tools, and business strategies.
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