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TechRepublic launches the 'Smart Home Office'

In partnership with sister sites CNET and ZDNet, TechRepublic has opened a living laboratory to help everyone who works from home to set up a next-generation workspace.

Additional TechRepublic resources

Behind the scenes: How software used for city planning helped create a futuristic Las Vegas for Oscar-winning Blade Runner 2049

HP announces new sterilizable, hospital-friendly PCs and display

New IoT sensors allow companies to monitor shipments in real time

Cisco: Blockchain will democratize innovation itself

Ford begins testing Domino's and Postmates deliveries with autonomous vehicles in Miami

AI bot cheats at video game by exploiting ancient bug

How emerging technology will shape New York City's future

AI in space: Astronauts will get floating robot assistant thanks to IBM, Airbus

Today's recommended downloads

IT leader’s guide to deep learning

(Tech Pro Research)

IT jobs 2018: Hiring priorities, growth areas, and strategies to fill open roles

(Tech Pro Research)

Featured multimedia

The story of Mobile World Congress 2018, in 25 photos

IoT survey: Does your company have an IoT strategy?

Does your company have a strategy for IoT? How does your company use IoT devices? Is your company collecting IoT data? Has your company had challenges with IoT implementation? Take this quick survey from sister site Tech Pro Research.

A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

Tech and the future of transportation

From commutes in self-driving cars to autonomous taxis to self-driving trucks and delivery vehicles, the autonomous age is going to have a massive impact on the future of business.

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