MPR News UpdatePM edition
Good afternoon! Shout out to Washington and Carver counties. They're the only two Minnesota counties to crack the top 20 in US News & World Report's annual list. Also, remember the guy who wanted to prove the earth was flat by launching himself into the air in a steam-powered rocket? He landed, but was carried away on a stretcher. NewsCut has more. |  Updraft | Forecast | NewsCut
Technology around self-driving cars drives forward, but future still uncertain
People wouldn't need a personal car, and that would mean less pollution, less land tied up with garages, parking lots and ramps, and fewer highway deaths. Scientist Christoph Mertz at the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University said the advent of self-driving cars could provide tremendous benefits.
Wild sign Olympian Jordan Greenway for stretch run
The Minnesota Wild have signed Olympic player and top prospect Jordan Greenway for the stretch run of the playoff race.
Grandson charged with killing Paynesville couple
A Paynesville, Minn., man has been charged with murdering his elderly grandparents who had taken him into their home. Last Thursday, the Stearns County Sheriff's Office and Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension sent out a request for help in finding missing people.
U.S. stock markets rebounds on report of trade talks with China
U.S. stock indexes surged about 3 percent Monday after fears eased of a trade war with China. The two big trading partners reportedly are negotiating to improve U.S. access to Chinese markets.
Can woodchips, wetlands clean polluted Vermillion River?
Watershed experts this year are experimenting with a novel approach, combining two proven nitrate filters — wetlands and woodchips — into one project targeted at some of the Vermillion's most nitrate-laden water.
FTC is investigating Facebook over privacy practices
The Federal Trade Commission is investigating Facebook's privacy practices following a week of privacy scandals including allegations a Trump-affiliated political consulting firm got data inappropriately from millions of Facebook users. | Quitting Facebook? A few things you should know | Cambridge Analytica: What did they do during the 2016 election?
Elk population in NW Minnesota shows slight increase
The Department of Natural Resources said Monday the population is estimated at 97, compared with 79 last winter and 83 in 2016.
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