| | | French Authorities Arrest Telegram Founder Pavel Durov | French authorities arrested Telegram founder Pavel Durov on Saturday night as his private jet touched down at Le Bourget airport. Durov, who was traveling from Azerbaijan, was taken into custody immediately after landing, much to the shock of his legal team and international observers. Durov, the Russian-born billionaire behind the globally popular messaging platform, had long been cautious about where he traveled due to ongoing investigations into Telegram's alleged role in facilitating criminal activities. Read more |
| | | Would a ban on Telegram by an EU country be justifiable, or a concerning move towards limiting free speech? | |
| | Would RFK Jr. joining the Trump administration benefit Trump’s chances in the 2024 election? 49% - Yes, it would attract RFK Jr.'s voters 22% - Possibly, depending on the role he takes on 19% - Unsure, but it would certainly shake things up 10% - No, his views could conflict with key conservative principles ⭐️ Featured Feedback: “RFK Jr’s followers would prefer Trump to Harris so I think they’ll come across especially if RFK Jr. encourages them.” |
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| | RFK Jr. Defends Trump Endorsement Amidst Family Criticism | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. addressed the backlash from his family after his decision to endorse Donald Trump for president, a move that has sparked significant controversy within the Kennedy clan, long considered a cornerstone of the Democratic Party. In an interview on Sunday, RFK Jr. acknowledged that his endorsement of Trump had troubled some of his relatives, particularly those deeply entrenched in the Biden administration. Read more |
| | Gavin Newsom Mocks ‘Open Process’ Behind Kamala Harris Nomination | California Governor c didn’t hold back his skepticism during a recent appearance on the “Pod Save America” podcast, where he took a few jabs at the Democratic Party's abrupt decision to replace President Joe Biden with Vice President Kamala Harris as the party’s nominee—just days before the Democratic National Convention. Although Newsom managed to inject humor into the discussion, his tone suggested that he wasn't entirely on board with the hasty switch. Read more |
| | | Tom Cotton Fires Back at ABC News' Jon Karl Over Kamala Harris Comments | Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) took ABC News host Jonathan Karl to task during a fiery interview on Sunday, pushing back against claims that Vice President Kamala Harris has shifted her positions on key policy issues. The exchange occurred on ABC's "This Week," where Cotton highlighted the stark differences between Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Harris, who was recently selected as the Democratic nominee. Read more |
| | Hamas Official Admits 10/7 Attacks Aimed to Derail Israeli-Arab Relations | In a chilling revelation, Hamas official Ghazi Hamad openly declared that the October 7 massacre was a strategic move to disrupt Israel’s growing diplomatic ties with Arab states. During a recent interview, Hamad boasted about the so-called success of the brutal attacks, which left 1,200 people dead, over 5,300 wounded, and hundreds more taken hostage. Read more |
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