Your profits are not as valuable as our safety.


Later this month, the Facebook Oversight Board will give its recommendation on whether to allow Trump back on the social-media network. The right thing to do is clear. But Facebook’s determination to profit off of the hate and lies spread by people like Donald Trump is relentless.

We have to show Mark Zuckerberg that he will not get away with trading our safety and our democracy for his profits: Demand that Facebook make its ban of Trump permanent, once and for all.


Free Press Action

Friend — This April, the Facebook Oversight Board will give its recommendation on whether to allow Trump back on the social-media network.

But here’s the thing: The Facebook Oversight Board was created by Facebook and isn’t truly independent. We can’t trust that it will make the right decision. If we want to keep Trump off Facebook, the public pressure has to be intense. That’s why we need you to join us and tell Zuckerberg: It doesn’t matter what your oversight board says. Trump is dangerous and cannot be allowed a platform as massive as Facebook.

Ban Trump Permanently

When Trump speaks, the chance of violence spikes. The level of hate rises. And his big lies take even firmer root.

When Trump is given a platform to reach huge audiences, this is what happens:

  • White supremacists launch an insurrection, storming the U.S. Capitol.
  • Extreme acts of violence against the Asian American Pacific Islander community soar.
  • Republicans laugh off a pandemic and refuse vaccination in staggering numbers, putting us all at greater risk.
  • Conservative states launch a new Jim Crow era, blatantly attempting to suppress the votes of Black people.
Tell Mark Zuckerberg today: We have seen too many times how dangerous Trump’s words truly are. You must make Facebook’s ban of Trump permanent now.

The cost of allowing Trump a platform as major as Facebook is clear. Our democracy is at greater risk than at perhaps any time in history. Our health is at risk. And tragically, lives have been lost because this man was allowed to stir hate and spread lies.

At Facebook, the right thing to do is just as clear. But the company’s desire to profit off of the hate and lies spread by people like Donald Trump is strong.

We have to show Mark Zuckerberg that he will not get away with trading our safety and our democracy for his profits: Demand that Facebook make its ban of Trump permanent, once and for all.

In solidarity,

Candace and the rest of the Free Press Action team

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