Hope’s name? The Save the Internet Act.

Free Press Action


Net Neutrality just lost a critical case in court1 but there’s still hope.

Hope’s name? The Save the Internet Act.

The Save the Internet Act is the gold standard of Net Neutrality legislation and represents a bipartisan solution to protecting your rights online. It would restore rules that the vast majority of people support: In fact, in 2018 people from across the political spectrum successfully pushed the Senate to pass an earlier version of this bill in a bipartisan vote.

This piece of critical civil-rights legislation passed the House earlier this year. Demand that the Senate step up, heed the will of the people and pass the Save the Internet Act.

Net Neutrality is more important than ever. It’s the backbone of every single social-justice movement happening today. It protects our ability to organize online for immigrant rights, racial justice, economic justice, reproductive freedom, environmental protections and so much more by ensuring that ISPs like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon can’t block or throttle content.

Net Neutrality ensures that movements designed to directly challenge the power of leaders in all industries and branches of the government can organize freely online.

In the wake of last week’s court decision, only Congress has the power to ensure that everyone across the country has Net Neutrality protections. But we need the Senate to act.

There’s no reason for the Senate to continue sitting on its hands. Tell the Senate to heed the will of the people and pass the Save the Internet Act.

Thanks for all that you do—

Heather, Candace, Collette and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. Tell the Senate: Stop listening to industry insiders and instead listen to your constituents. Pass the Save the Internet Act.

1. “Court Defers to FCC on Dismantling Net Neutrality for Now but Opens Door for States, Higher Courts and Congress to Act,” Free Press Action, Oct. 1, 2019: https://act.freepress.net/go/35704?t=8&akid=13469%2E10296224%2EkINZdB.

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