In this issue, May 31, 2022 View it in your browser.

TensorFlow DTensor, Amazon EKS Blueprints, Apple Silicon Attacks, AWS Graviton3, Azure Container Apps, Java Pattern Matching, Kalix Serverless PaaS, Full Stack Dart, Product Feedback, Dual Operating Models

QCon San Francisco (Oct 24-28): Real-world practical inspiration (not product pitches) from the world’s most innovative software leaders.

QCon San Francisco will bring together hand-picked senior software practitioners to help you learn the emerging trends, explore the use cases, and implement the best practices. Get the assurance you are adopting the right technologies and skills. Claim your spot at QCon San Francisco. Book before June 27 to save $600 with our early bird pricing. Register Now.



Web Server and Reverse-Proxy Cache 101

Learn how to deploy a simple web server and how built-in caching capabilities optimize the performance and availability of your applications. Find out how to log caching transactions to help you visualize and troubleshoot your environment. Live Webinar, June 16th, 2022 - Save your Seat.

Oren Eini on RavenDB, Including Consistency Guarantees and C# as the Implementation Language

Wesley Reisz talks to Oren Eini about the history of RavenDB. RavenDB is a fully transactional NoSQL Document database that implements both CP and AP guarantees at different times. The two discuss those CP/AP distributed systems challenges, the choice of implementation language (C#), and the current plans for RavenDB 6.0, which includes a server-side sharding implementation. (Podcast)

Collaborating to Create Products Customers Love

In this podcast, Shane Hastie spoke to Sara Rossio Chief Product Officer at G2, about how product people and technical people collaborate to build great products that people love. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. New GraphWorld Tool Accelerates Graph Neural-Network Benchmarking

  2. TensorFlow DTensor: Unified API for Distributed Deep Network Training

  3. Amazon Releases 51-Language AI Training Dataset MASSIVE

Machine Learning at the Edge

Katharine Jarmul discusses utilizing new distributed data science and machine learning models, such as federated learning, to learn from data at the edge. (Presentation with transcript included)
Software Delivery Practices Evolve Fast, So Should Your Learning: Attend QCon San Francisco Software Development (Oct 24-28).
What are the major trends that matter right now in software development and technical leadership? Uncover emerging software trends and practices to solve your complex engineering challenges, without the product pitches. Save your spot now!



Event Driven Microservices Architecture for IoT

Building an architectural foundation that enables the development of a real-time, responsive, and scalable system is critical for the success of any IoT project. Learn how an event-driven microservices architecture approach using the MQTT protocol is the way forward. Learn More.


  1. Amazon EKS Blueprints Streamline Bootstrapping Kubernetes Clusters

  2. Augury is a Novel Microarchitectural Attack Affecting Apple Silicon

  3. HashiCorp Vault Improves Eventual Consistency with Server-Side Consistent Tokens

  4. Cloudflare D1 Provides Distributed SQLite for Cloudflare Workers

Evolving DevSecOps to Include Policy Management

A thorough implementation of policy management tools is required for effective compliance and security management in a DevOps environment. Companies that accept policy management in DevSecOps as a way of development and have adopted some level of policy management best practices tend to operate more efficiently. (Article)



3 Steps to De-Risk Your Day 2 Operations

Looking to gain a sustainable business advantage with cloud native applications? You'll need to take these 3 steps to achieve Day 2 success. Compliments of D2iQ. Download eBook.


  1. DigitalOcean Enters the Serverless Arena with DigitalOcean Functions

  2. Amazon Rekognition Introduces Streaming Video Events

  3. Microsoft Announces the General Availability of Azure Container Apps at Build 2022

AWS Releases First Graviton3 Instances

AWS has recently announced the general availability of the C7g instances, the first EC2 instances running Graviton3 processors. Designed for compute-intensive workloads, they provide always-on memory encryption, dedicated caches for every vCPU, and support for pointer authentication. (News)


  1. JEP 405: Record Classes to Extend Pattern Matching in Java

Java News Roundup: OpenJDK, Spring Updates and CVEs, Payara Platform, Apache Tomcat Updates

This week's Java roundup for May 16th, 2022, features news from OpenJDK for JDK 19, Jakarta EE 10, Spring milestone and point releases and CVEs, May 2022 Payara Platform release, Quarkus 2.9.1.Final, Micronaut 3.4.4, WildFly 16.1.1, Hibernate ORM 5.6.9.Final, Hibernate Reactive 11.5.Final, JDKMon 17.0.25, JobRunr 5.1.2, JReleaser early-access, Apache Tomcat point releases and Apache Camel 3.17.0. (News)



Watch JDConf 2022 On-Demand

Learn about development best practices, cloud computing, and the latest Java trends. At JDConf 2022, we’re featuring sessions from a range of community and Microsoft speakers highlighting Java expertise by showcasing the great work going on across the Java landscape. Watch On-Demand.

Full Stack Dart

Chris Swan discusses using a stack of Dart, where Flutter developers can use the same language to build the services behind their apps. (Presentation with transcript included)

Kalix: Build Serverless Cloud-Native Business-Critical Applications with No Databases

Lightbend recently launched Kalix, a new PaaS offering for building cloud-native, business-critical applications using any programming language with no databases. Kalix is a unified application layer that pulls together the necessary pieces for writing software and abstracts their implementation details. Lighbend intends for it to provide developers with an innovative NoOps developer experience. (News)



JWT Security Best Practices

Using JWTs may seem simple, but do you use them securely? Here we outline some best practices to help maintain a high level of security in your applications.
Read article.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. How Getting Feedback from Angry Users Helps to Develop Better Products

Why the Dual Operating Model Impedes Enterprise Agility

Most organizations adopt a dual approach to agility, with some parts of the organization working in an agile way that delivers value in increments, measures the response and adapts accordingly, while the “traditional” organization continues to work as it always has in a relatively top-down way. In this article, This approach must eventually be left behind after an Agile transition. (Article)

How to Run Your Product Department Like a Coach

Having found what I thought was my calling as an agile coach, I took the tough decision to move sideways into Product Management in the hopes of using what I’d learned to one day run my own department. I believed that coming from coaching would allow me to see things others could not and create something special. Time will tell if I have succeeded. This is the story of where I am so far. (Article)

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