Hello Trader,

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that two major events happened in the electric vehicle space this week.

Not only did TSLA split its shares again but that wack job Governor in California also got his proposed Ban on Gas powered car sales approved.

TSLA shares traded mostly flat on Thursday following a 3:1 stock split, which caused shares to reprice down from Wednesday’s closing price of $891.29 to a split-adjusted price of $297.09.

Technically, what this means is that every shareholder received two additional shares for each share of TSLA they owned. 

Psychologically, this reduction in price makes TSLA more attractive to both retail investors and options traders, since it also reduces the price of TSLA puts and calls.

While shares did not run up into this split like they did prior to the last stock split on Aug. 11, 2020, there is an interesting pattern to pay attention to here.

By the way, what I am doing here today is walking you through an important process of taking world events and seeing how they fit not only with price action, but also with a very special element of trading that VERY FEW retail traders use.

Now, as you know, ARKK is probably the #1 stock on my “Dog Meat” list.

I simply loathe it!

And TSLA is the largest holding in that fund.

I may not hate TSLA as much, but it’s up there.

Anyway, now that I have absorbed the news, I want to look at the price action…and this chart tells a lot!

Then I want to pop over to Ben Sturgill’s GROUND BREAKING Terminator Trades, a brand-new way to track the “smart-money.” 

Lo and behold, what I find is that there has been a massive amount of unusual activity happening in the options.

And as you see above, there were BIG money “sweeps” going into the TSLA calls on Thursday when all of this news was happening. 

Folks, this is just a snapshot of 3 pages worth of sweeps. 

Look, technology is the great disruptor of our generation. 

Andthis new technologythat Ben Sturgill has created has Wall Street whales crying foul because Ben has levelled the playing field.

Both Jason Bond and I, the co-founders of RagingBull, joined Ben last night in an encore discussion, and were both blown away with Ben’s new creation that he has put his heart and soul into developing.

We’re talking about A COMPLETE COLLECTION of each of the tools Ben simply WILL NOT TRADE WITHOUT!

The odds are against you in this business, so to succeed YOU’VE GOT TO HAVE AN EDGE.


Not only that, but innovation is ESSENTIAL to success…


So Ben has developed this brand-new way to track the “smart-money” JUST FOR YOU…


Folks, Ben has even developed a Skynet Dynamic Watchlist that YOU have a say in how you want it presented.


Not only are the most actionable alerts presented to members in a daily newsletter, but Skynet is programmed to send an IMMEDIATE App alert!


Finally, Ben brings it all together during impromptuLoadout Room sessions throughout the day.


You’ve never seen anything like Ben’s new creation!


To YOUR Success!

Jeff Bishop

RagingBull, LLC
62 Calef Hwy. #233, Lee, NH 03861

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