In this issue, January 28, 2020 View it in your browser.

Testing Microservices, Service Mesh Interface, Synthetic Training Data at Uber, Apache Kafka as a Service, C# Futures, Swift 6, Evolutionary Architecture

QCon New York 2020 Proposed Tracks are now live!

Did you know that each QCon track is curated by a software practitioner, an expert in their field? Modern CS in the Real World, Microservices and Scalability, Organizational Agility, Machine Learning and AI in the New Decade are just some of the confirmed tracks. Take a look at the rest.



Capturing the Business Value of Compliant Database DevOps

This whitepaper outlines how DevOps practices can be extended to the IT team, and the cultural shift required to capture the business value of Compliant Database DevOps.
Download Now.

The InfoQ eMag - Microservices: Testing, Observing, and Understanding

This eMag takes a deep dive into the techniques and culture changes required to successfully test, observe, and understand microservices. (eMag)

Idit Levine Discussing Gloo, Service Mesh Interface, and Web Assembly Hub

Today on The InfoQ Podcast, Wes Reisz speaks with CEO and founder of Solo Idit Levine. The two discuss the Three Pillars of Solo around Gloo, their API gateway, interoperability of service meshes (including the work on Service Mesh Interface), and on extending Envoy with Web Assembly (and the recently announced Web Assembly Hub). (Podcast)

David McAllister on Building Communities

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to David McAllister about building technical communities. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Apple Acquires Edge-Focused AI Startup

  2. Uber's Synthetic Training Data Speeds Up Deep Learning by 9x

The Road to Artificial Intelligence: An Ethical Minefield

Increasingly-rapid developments in the field of AI have offered society profound benefits, but have also produced complex ethical dilemmas. Many of the most nefarious issues are often overlooked, even in the engineering community. There also exists the meta-ethical question of who ought to be the ones making decisions concerning the encoding of values into autonomous systems. (Article)


  1. Database Access Misconfiguration Exposes 250M Customer Records at Microsoft

  2. Gradle 6 Brings Significant Dependency Management Improvements

  3. Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes Moves into General Availability

  4. Q&A on Okteto: a Tool to Develop Applications in Kubernetes

  5. Preventing Inadvertent Changes, Amazon Adds Change Calendar to AWS Systems Manager

Confluent Offers Apache Kafka as a Service on the GCP Marketplace

In a recent blog post, Confluent announced the general availability of Confluent Cloud on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Marketplace. Confluent Cloud is a fully managed Apache Kafka service, which removes the burden of its users to manage Kafka themselves. (News)



Why are My Microservices Slow?

Discover the common challenges found when operating distributed cloud-native environments and how to approach them:

  • Performance and reliability
  • Tracing and call analysis
  • Bottlenecks and errors
Learn More.


  1. Microsoft Patches Severe Crypto32.dll Vulnerability

JetBrains Releases Coding Typeface, Mono

JetBrains has released a new monospaced font to increase a developer's ability to scan across lines code. The font maximizes space and clearly differentiates letters and curves to decrease unnecessary eye movement. (News)



The Ultimate Guide to Team Messaging for Developers

Modern collaboration platforms make dev teams more efficient, but only if you use them well. Learn how with our guide to developer messaging. Download now.

Enabling Secure Code at Scale with Spring and OAuth2

Matt Ruel and Darren Forsythe discuss using Spring Security and OAuth2 to secure an application. (Presentation)

Do’s and Don’ts: Avoiding First-Time Reactive Programmer Mines

Sergei Egorov discusses some of the problems encountered when creating a reactive system. (Presentation)

Designing a Reactive System

Stephane Maldini and Ryland Degnan and Andy Shi discuss what options there are to build reactive systems. (Presentation)

The Value of Reactive Systems

Stephane Maldini, Violeta Georgieva build a decision-making template to assist devs in starting a Reactive architecture. (Presentation)

C# Futures: Covariant Return Types

A frequent API design problem is the inability to use a more specific return type when overriding a method. Proposal 49, which is now a C# 9 candidate, seeks to correct this issue. (News)


  1. Nuxt 2.11.0 Released

Why Visual AI Beats Pixel and DOM Diffs for Web App Testing

Visual AI breaks regions of pixels into rendered elements for comparison purposes, similar to how humans view web pages. As a result, Visual AI can compare any kinds of images on a page, providing a more effective mechanism for automated visual testing when compared to pixel and DOM diffing. (Article)


  1. Swift 6 Will Bring Improved Concurrency Support and Memory Ownership

Modern Android App Architecture with JetPack and Dropbox Store

Dropbox recently took ownership of the open-source Store library to revamp it and bring it closer to the current Android developer ecosystem. Originally developed at the New York Times, Store has been rewritten in Kotlin on the foundations provided by Coroutines and Flow. Along with Google's JetPack collection of libraries, Dropbox Store provides a solution to create modern Android apps. (News)

Building a Successful Remote Culture at Scale with Strong Ownership

Sushma Nallapeta talks about instilling ownership through delegation & goal setting and differentiating between accountability & ownership. She shares strategies and her experience at Apartment List, and talks about how they built a career ladder rubric to encourage ownership, how they created room for creativity called A-Time that helped build trust across teams, and many more lessons learnt. (Presentation with transcript included)
The next QCon is QCon London, March 2-4, 2020. Join us!

The Common Pitfalls of Cloud Native Software Supply Chains

Daniel Shapira talks about some of the common security vulnerabilities found in cloud-native environments, and why it is important to take security measures immediately to protect instances in the cloud. (Presentation with transcript included)

Architectures Panel

How do big operators differ from smaller disruptors? The panelists examine the different architectures that power these systems. (Presentation with transcript included)

Fault Tolerance at Speed

Todd Montgomery discusses the techniques and lessons learned from implementing Aeron Cluster. His focus is on how Raft can be implemented on Aeron, minimizing the network round trip overhead, and comparing single process to a fully distributed cluster. (Presentation with transcript included)

Evolutionary Architecture as Product @ CircleCI

Robert Zuber discusses how the evolution of software development since 2011 has driven the evolution of CircleCI's architecture. From the explosive adoption of Docker to the steady rise of microservice architectures, the changing demands of software engineering teams have proven to be deeply coupled with the structure of their service–far more than they anticipated when they started the business. (Presentation with transcript included)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Reducing Build Time with Observability in the Software Supply Chain

Author Q&A on the Book The Innovation Revelation

David Lowe has written the book The Innovation Revelation: A story about satisfying customer needs. The book tells the fictional story of Charlie Blades who is a manager in the IT department of a retail company in London, faced with disruption from outside and old ways of working inside. The story explores how changes in workplace culture and practices can result in better outcomes. (Article)

Q&A on the Book Testing Business Ideas

The book Testing Business Ideas by David Bland and Alex Osterwalder provides experiments that can be used to find out if your product ideas are desirable, viable and feasible. Experimentation also helps to reduce the risk and increase the likelihood of success of new venture or business projects. (Article)



Free Scrum Learning Paths

Continue your professional learning with our free online learning paths. These learning paths are targeted by role including: Scrum Master, Product Owner, Development Team Member and Leadership.

Q&A on the Book Build a Next-Generation Digital Workplace

The book Build a Next-Generation Digital Workplace by Shailesh Shivakumar explains what employee experience platforms (EXP) are and how digital technologies can be used to improve employee productivity, increase employee engagement, and support collaboration. (Article)

Leading in an Agile World

Damien O’Connor and Sheetal Thaker explore the characteristics of leaders over the last six decades, looking at how leadership has changed over time, and articulate where they think it is headed. (Presentation)

Building a Company with Maps

Rachel Murphy discusses the evolution and activity of her company Difrent. (Presentation)