Good morning, Marketer, and what are you looking to get out of your tests?

If you want better results from testing, you’re doing it wrong. Tim Parkin puts it this way: “The true purpose is gaining new insights into what works (and what doesn’t).” See his full post below.

The insights from your testing program can help you execute future campaigns. It’s about gaining knowledge, not scoring a one-off boost.

That’s why goals are important. If you don’t set the right goals, your testing – or other marketing functions – could start in the wrong direction.

Chris Wood,

Why testing is a marketer’s most powerful tool

Testing is much more complex than it seems, but focus on the insights and not the results.

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Smartsheet ignites new Formula 1 sponsorship strategy to aid STEM diversity effort

Through Sponsor X initiative, Smartsheet gives non-profit their place on the McLaren team car.

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Twitter and Talkwalker: Using cultural insights to execute your strategy

Interacting with consumers during major cultural events, like the Super Bowl or the VMAs, is not just for big advertisers. Digital channels act as virtual meeting places to discuss these events and for brands, this means it’s necessary to keep a pulse on conversations and trends at all times.

Join Twitter, Talkwalker and Khoros in our upcoming panel to find out how brands benefit from consumer intelligence to transform cultural moments into winning strategies.

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ActiveCampaign extends Slack integration

Sales, marketing and customer support teams connect through ActiveCampaign app for Slack.

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Learn how to thrive in a world without third-party cookies

Download “Your Playbook for a Cookieless World” from OneTrust to learn why third-party cookies are deprecating, what solutions are available, and how to put privacy and consumer trust first — and thrive in a world without third-party cookies.

Read more.

MiQ announces post-cookie programmatic package

The package includes addressable cohorts based on connecting multiple identities as well as a contextual offering.

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What’s in your marketing stack? Let us know

This is an invitation to tell us about your own real-world marketing technology stack, who owns it and who has the purchase power.

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What we’re reading: First, Space Force…and now, finally, Cyberspace Force. The U.S. State Department launched its cyberspace and digital policy bureau addressing “the national security challenges, economic opportunities and implications for U.S. values associated with cyberspace, digital technologies and digital policy.” Ransomware hacks and cyber diplomacy are at the top of the list. One can only hope for more leadership at the national level on important cyber values – like a comprehensive data privacy policy. 

From Search Engine Land

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