Plus, why Virginia's race for governor is too close, and more...

August 31, 2021
Here’s What Happens If Texas’s Extreme Abortion Ban Goes Into Effect
Clinics across Texas are preparing to get sued and to have to send patients out of state.
by Esther Wang
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His potential Democratic opponent unloads on the Berchtesgaden-visiting congressman for his latest over-the-top remarks.
by Daniel Strauss
Hurricane Ida, wildfire evacuations, and Orlando’s oxygen shortage all show that we need policy solutions to address multiple crises at once.
by Melody Schreiber
He was a successful governor. It’s a blue state now (so we say). So why is the Virginia gubernatorial race so close?
by Daniel Strauss
This year’s insane transfer-window period has illuminated the sport’s apocalyptic financial inequities.
by Alex Shephard
In her formally experimental series of autobiographies, Deborah Levy takes a rollicking, intimate journey through the challenges of motherhood and writing.
by Kirsten Denker
Gavin Newsom’s wayward political career is not the biggest thing at stake.
by Jason Linkins
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