John! There are already 150 comments on TODAY'S launch of my brand new free video series!

The most common thread is, "That was so for me! I really needed to hear that! Best timing, ever!"

Here's what's happening:

What: Free Video Series - Deliberate Living and Conscious Creation
Why: To share my best ideas with the most people possible
When: Video 1 is NOW available - every 3 days a new one follows!
Cost: FREE for Notes from the Universe subscribers and friends

John, see it yourself, hear it yourself, and share it with others while it's available.

Here me talk about the strangest learning formula of all time: That we teach best what we most need to learn. The ramifications are quite exciting: The things you most need to learn are exactly the things that will help you get what you now most want.

Click here to watch the first video in the series!

No matter where you've been, no matter what happened, and no matter where you now are, all is truly perfect, as if plotted by Divine Mind, to lead you into the best of your life!

You're ready, John!
Mike Dooley

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
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