Hello from Santa Rosa, California! Thank you for the incredible support and feedback we've received about our new and improved website. Some of you have made many helpful suggestions and we encourage you to continue to do so. This helps us learn what is important to you, our loyal users. We will continue to work hard to provide free information in an easy to navigate format and make further developments when we can. Please send any comments or questions to us at office@drmcougall.com. We had the former website for many years, and the new one may take some time to get used to for some of you, but once you do, I’m confident you will enjoy it. Until then, we have included some direct links below to some popular areas of the website. They can all be found in the Articles section accessible from the top of the home page: Newsletter Directory Success Stories Forum Mary’s Mini-McDougall Diet My parents, team and I appreciate your continued support and enthusiasm for a sustainable, starch-based lifestyle! In health, |