Happy Holidays ✨ | January Events and Workshops | Latest Buzz at OTL
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The last couple of days of 2022 are upon us and we want to thank you for your commitment and contribution to the Ottawa Tool Library.  🧡

The last year has been challenging and we wouldn't have made it through without your support and our amazing volunteers. With a warm heart, we wish you the best for the new year and look forward to seeing you at the tool library in 2023! 

Events and Workshops

Planning a Home Reno next year?
A renovation or addition project can be a rewarding experience, but it is not without its challenges. Steven Schuhmann, a licensed architect and certified project manager, will be sharing his tips and tricks.
Wednesday, January 18th at 7:00pm

WorkSpace Safety 101 Workshop
Introduction to power tools and a required course for anyone who wants to use band saw, mitre saw, drill press, and drill in our WorkSpace. 
Thursday, January 19th at 6:30pm

WorkSpace Safety 201 Workshop
This is a required course for anyone who wants to use router, jointer, planer, and table saw in our WorkSpace. 
Wednesday, January 25th at 6:00pm

The Latest Buzz at the
Tool Library

The OTL Core Team took a night off and had a fabulous time celebrating the busy year behind us! We hope you and your loved ones also got to spend memorable moments together over the Holidays.

Everyone created either a DIY gift or re-purposed one for our gift exchange
 🤩. This year we had all sorts of gifts from self-made candle holders to a handmade harlequin holding tickets to a local theatre performance and more! 
Hope you got to celebrate something, anything, or nothing over the Holidays and made it your own!

We'll see you back at the tool library on Tuesday, January 10th!
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