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Today is "Thank You Thursday" and I want to take a moment to say Thank You to all the organizations and teams who have brought me or members of my team in to speak or host a workshop / training over the years!
I'm thankful that we're busier than ever and able to impact more and more people with positive messages that transform lives, organizations and teams.

If you'd like to book me or a member of our team to energize your organization this year, you can complete my speaker request form here or our JG Speakers here.
Our most popular topics include:

Power of Positive Leadership
Principles and Practices that Make Great Teams Great 
The Energy Bus
Build Greatness
The Sale 
What the Best do Better

We also have public trainings you can attend for The Power of Positive Leadership and The Power of a Positive Team.

I hope we get to impact you and your team this year!


P.S., You can also email for any speaking related questions.