Thanks Earth, You Rock!

Earth Month 2021 is off to an incredible start with many of our student teams returning from spring break and putting their Climate Solutions Campaign plans into action! We have so many exciting events and updates to share with you, so let's dive in.

Grades of Green staff members join in Doranelly's #LitterFreeLB  Challenge by picking up litter and showing their support for participating Green Business, Long Beach Creamery!

Mira Costa's #MeatlessMonday Campaign
Supports Local Restaurants & Businesses

High school junior and Grades of Green veteran, Sam Torres, has partnered with Southern California small businesses to encourage more planet-friendly diets through her Grades of Green Club's #MeatlessMonday campaign. Members of the public who post pictures of their plant-based meals are entered into a giveaway featuring gift cards and items from a new business every Monday. The campaign ends April 25th, so don't miss your chance to green your diet and enter to win some awesome prizes!
Join the Movement Today
Sam was interviewed on March 26 by ABC News Radio's Aaron Michael Sanchez about her Meatless Monday Campaign. Listen and watch, here!

Justin Interviews Reserva Founder,
Callie Broaddus

For the Love of Frogs founder and Grades of Green leader, Justin Sather, interviewed Reserva founder Callie Broaddus along with other members of Reserva's Youth Council. Reserva is an organization that empowers young people to make a difference for threatened species and habitats through conservation, education and storytelling.
Watch the Interview

The Green Twins' Instagram Takeover

Aisha and Ismail, the dynamic duo from Irvine, CA, will be taking over Grades of Greens' Instagram account every Wednesday during April to share easy tips for how you can cut single-use plastics out of your life!
Get the Green Twins' Weekly Tips

Plastic Panel Wrapped 

Eco all-star Rylee Goldfarb welcomed over 50 guests to her Plastic Pollution Solutions Panel last Thursday evening. Attendees learned all about how they can take action to combat the plastic pollution crisis.
Three state and local leaders, including California State Senator Ben Allen's Deputy Chief of Staff Samuel Liu, Algalita's Anika Ballent and human-I-T's Allie Bussjaeger joined to share their expertise and insights making us all better advocates for the environment!
Missed the panel? Click here to watch the recording!

Coming Up: 

  • El Segundo Library Book to Action 2021: Trash to Treasure Workshop + Litter Clean-Up
    April 17, 10 am to 5:30 pm PT
    Clean up trash and learn how to turn waste into art. 
    Learn more and register!
  • Poly Green Schools Campaign's Virtual Climate Town Hall
    April 17, 4 to 5 pm PT
    Students from Long Beach are pushing their school district to transition to 100% clean energy. Join the town hall to learn how you can help.
    Learn more and RSVP!

Donate to Support Grades of Green

Help us continue to support our students as they take action to address the climate crisis in communities across the world!
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