Peerless-AV InfoComm Awards

Peerless-AV once again came out on top at InfoComm 2016 and were honored to have won so many awards. Our award-winning products include the all new SmartMount Supreme Video Wall Mount, Universal Modular LED Wall Mounting System, PeerAir Pro Wireless AV Multi-display System, and Custom Volta EV Charging Station, including the Case Study.

Additional highlights from the show include our Daytona 500 Prize Package giveaway, presenting at the University Seminars, and building relationships with both current and new customers.

We hope you had a great time at the Peerless-AV booth and took away valuable information on how we can lead you and your customers right to the finish line. If you have any questions, please contact your regional sales representative.


Peerless-AV InfoComm Award Winning Products

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