This is our best bet to save the open internet.
free press action fund

Hi there,

As you’ve probably heard, our best bet to save the open internet is getting Congress to use the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to pass a resolution that would undo the FCC’s Net Neutrality repeal. And we’re on our way to making that happen. Donate $5 today to help us cross the finish line.

Yesterday, Free Press Action Fund and our Team Internet allies at Demand Progress and Fight for the Future launched Operation #OneMoreVote, a major day of action to ramp up support for the CRA in Congress. Internet users, public-interest groups and companies like Etsy, Kickstarter, Medium, reddit and Tumblr took up the call online, making #NetNeutrality one of the top-trending hashtags on Twitter. And internet activists took to the streets to put pressure on key members of Congress in Anchorage, Columbus, Denver, Las Vegas, Miami, New Orleans, Salt Lake City and Wichita.1

People rallied in New Orleans to push Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy to support the resolution.

An activist canine joined a crew lobbying Sen. Rob Portman in Columbus, Ohio.

Activists turned out in force outside the Salt Lake City office of Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch.

The day of action was a success: We got 10 more representatives to sign on to support the CRA, but we need to keep up the momentum. Could you pitch in to help fuel the fight?

The day of action coincided with Sen. Ed Markey’s official introduction of the resolution, which has support from all 49 members of the Democratic Caucus plus Republican Sen. Susan Collins.2 And later that evening, Rep. Mike Doyle introduced an identical resolution in the House of Representatives, where it already has more than 150 co-sponsors.

This is all thanks to the thousands of Net Neutrality supporters like you who have spoken out online and in person to save the internet we all love.

Thanks for all you do—

Lucia, Amy, Carrie and the rest of the Free Press Action Fund team

P.S. We’re close to getting the support we need in Congress to undo the FCC’s Net Neutrality repeal. Help us cross the finish line.

P.P.S Want to learn more about the work we’ve been doing to fight for your online rights in the Trump era? Check out our annual report.

1. “Net Neutrality Supporters Launch Operation #OneMoreVote,” Free Press Action Fund, Feb. 28, 2018:

2. “Lawmakers Introduce Resolution to Reject the FCC’s Unpopular Net Neutrality Repeal,” Free Press Action Fund, Feb. 27, 2018:

The Free Press Action Fund is a nonpartisan organization fighting for your rights to connect and communicate. The Free Press Action Fund does not support or oppose any candidate for public office. Learn more at

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