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Thanks to you, York County is stronger

United Way of York County’s mission is to build a stronger, caring community. Thanks to you and your colleagues at supportive companies across York County, United Way is helping to improve the education, health and financial stability for our neighbors in need. 

Change doesn’t happen alone.

Here are three ways your support makes York County stronger:

Our virtual celebration of gratitude on March 4 recognized the companies and people who went above and beyond in this year's United Way of York County Campaign. 

Thanks to your support, United Way programs are helping our neighbors, coworkers, family, and friends to have a quality life.
Learn more about our Award winners
See a list of all supportive companies

Helping our neighbors achieve the building blocks to a better life is an endeavor that improves the quality of life for all of us who live and work in York County. Thank you to all of our corporate supporters. 

Prize Giveaway Winners

A special thank-you to those who sponsored the 2020 United Way of York County Campaign Prize Giveaway, as an added incentive and encouragement for generous giving that benefits all of us in York County. Congratulations to all the prize winners announced this month.
See a list of Prize Giveaway winners

Get Involved for 2021!

It takes all of us, working together, to have the greatest impact. As United Way of York County celebrates our 100th anniversary in 2021, we invite you to partner with us to help our community recover, rebuild and reimagine a future where everyone can thrive.
Get Involved

Thank you for standing UNITED and making a positive impact on our community!

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1500 Paxton St., Harrisburg, PA 17104