TODAY'S TOP STORIES - June 2, 2017

In an Unprecedented Court Escalation, Trump Protesters Could Be Facing Decades in Prison for Inauguration Demonstrations

By Celisa Calacal, Lauren Kaori Gurley, AlterNet

A frightening crackdown on free speech is underway across the country. READ MORE»

A Learning Expert Tries Betsy DeVos' Neuron-Stimulating Headset—and Is Far From Impressed

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

DeVos has invested millions in the brain-training company NeuroCore.  READ MORE»

Trump Pulls Out of Paris Agreement, Endangering Future Generations and the Planet

By Reynard Loki, AlterNet

Can the global climate be stabilized without American participation? READ MORE»

U.S. Joins Only Syria and Nicaragua on Climate Accord 'No' List

By Haroon Siddique, The Guardian

Only other UN members not party to Paris agreement never signed up, but for reasons of war and principle, not disbelief. READ MORE»

Hate Crimes Are All Around U.S.: Where Is Trump?

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

His silence is deafening. READ MORE»

In Historic Vote, California Senate Passes Single-Payer Bill to Provide Comprehensive Health Care to All Residents

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

A work-in-progress? A model for the nation? Or a step off the fiscal cliff? READ MORE»

Sorry, There Are No 'Grown-Ups' to Protect Us, As Trump Makes the World Even Worse of a Mess

By Adele M. Stan, The American Prospect

The president is a danger to the nation and the world. And everyone in his administration is enabling him. READ MORE»

The Astounding Size of the Marijuana Economy Dwarfs 10 of America's Most Popular Food and Drink Staples

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

Legal pot sales alone swamp some surprising product lines, but when you add in estimated black market sales, marijuana is a real monster.  READ MORE»

Sucked in Again: With One Stupid Tweet, Donald Trump Grabs Much of Our Attention

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

Trump’s detractors are keen to jump on his gaffes to enjoy a moment of liberal schadenfreude, as they signal their superiority. It is not helping. READ MORE»

Mueller Could Obtain Trump's Tax Returns—Without Telling Trump

By Bob Johnson, DailyKos

Short of firing Mueller, the president can't do anything to stop him. READ MORE»

Hope Springs Eternal, as Support for Trump Impeachment Soars, and Approval Plunges

By Chris Riotta, Newsweek

And with every misstep, there is a little more erosion and disdain. READ MORE»

Brits Can Vote for Their Bernie Sanders as Jeremy Corbyn Successfully Speaks Truth About the ‘War on Terror’

By Ben Norton, Max Blumenthal, AlterNet

Against an unprecedented wave of smears, the socialist Labour leader has bucked the consensus and slashed his opponent's lead. READ MORE»

America Not First: Trump Seems Intent on Ceding the Future of Global Leadership to China

By John Feffer, TomDispatch

American elites tremble before China, which has already surpassed the United States in gross economic output, while steadily enhancing its military capabilities. READ MORE»

Robert Reich: 4 Steps Trump Is Taking to Crush Civil Rights Gains

By Robert Reich,

The Trump Doctrine: Benefit the most comfortable Americans and stick it to the most vulnerable. READ MORE»

Years of Progress Going Down the Drain with Trump's Neanderthal Approach to Crime and Immigration

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Barely two years ago, both parties had agreed to roll back mandatory minimum sentencing. Well, forget all that. READ MORE»

Get Ready: Right-Wing Trump TV Is Coming to a Market Near You

By Craig Aaron, OtherWords

The rules are being changed as conservative Trump supporters, like Sinclair Broadcasting Group, are pushing out local media. READ MORE»

The Fascinating Story of Major League Baseball's Players Union Stimulated by the Death of Jim Bunning

By Peter Dreier, AlterNet

The players union could do more to help its image as a union for “spoiled brats” if it showed some solidarity to ordinary people. READ MORE»

Monsanto Caught Warning EPA About Activists

By Zen Honeycutt, AlterNet

Congress must investigate obvious collusion between the EPA and Monsanto. READ MORE»

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