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Lifehacker July 3, 2020
That Extra $600 Unemployment Benefit Could Get Extended
Quick Fix
TikTok and Other Apps Are Secretly Reading Your Clipboard
A new privacy feature in iOS 14 has exposed a number of popular apps and raised concerns about clipboard privacy. In the video above, I explain why this is concerning, but not something to panic about.
How to Successfully Start a New Job Remotely
It’s hard to think of any professions that haven’t been impacted by the COVID-19 global pandemic. Whether you lost your job, transitioned to working from home or have had to follow new protocols as an essential worker, most people have seen significant changes in their work lives in the past...
You Should Grill More Chicken Hearts
I have never shied away from a visceral meat-eating experience. I find eating bone-in chops and steaks, offal, and even a literal face all deeply enjoyable. Bone-in steaks are a little pricey for everyday consumption, and faces take a lot of prep—but chicken hearts are cheap, easy to skewer,...
Student Loans
Your Federal Student Loan Servicer May Be Changing
If you have federal student loans, you may know that while the government owns the loans, they enlist another company—a servicer—to handle the day to day business of collecting payments from borrowers. But soon, the way you pay your monthly student loan bill will be changing, and you may even...
Hack or Wack?
Butter Your Corn the 'War Games' Way
I have a summer tradition that involves yelling about raw corn on the internet. Raw corn is good and I think more people should eat it, so every summer I just start shouting and resharing this little blog I wrote a few years ago. This inevitably leads to a lot...
I Built These DIY Squat Stands and They Actually Work
I’ve got a barbell, but for the first three months of pandemic life I had no place to put it except on the ground. That’s fine if you want to deadlift, or do olympic lifts, or pick it up and curl it or press it. And I did all of...
You Should Mute Your Smart Speaker's Mic More Often
Does your voice assistant often seem a little too eager to chime in? A recent study by Ruhr University Bochum and Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy found over 1,000 words and phrases that Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant frequently misidentified as activation commands (also known as “wake words”)...
A ‘Viral’ New Bird Song in Canada Is Causing Sparrows to Change Their Tune
A new bird song is spreading like wildfire among Canadian white-throated sparrows, at a scale not seen before by scientists.
Tape Storage Could Soon Crush Hard Drives With 400TB Capacities
If you’ve got a mountain of digital data to store but don’t necessarily need to access it every day, tape cartridges are the way to go. Twelve terabytes of storage will set you back about $100 these days, but in the coming years, Fujifilm believes it can push the technology...
Twitch Streamer Byron 'Reckful' Bernstein Dies At 31
Today, former top World of Warcraft player and longtime Twitch streamer Byron “Reckful” Bernstein died.
Ugh, These Two Again?
They’re back! The couple that nearly ripped the internet in half by sheer force of will the last time they broke up. What was the reasoning again? It was something about Him sitting on a friend’s lap at a party he did or did not go to in L.A., while...
The Root
Miami Officer ‘Relieved of Duty’ and Under Investigation After Video Catches Him Hitting Black Woman in Airport
You really can’t blame Black people for believing that excessive force is just the police go-to for dealing with Black people when they get into heated exchanges with them. If our lived experiences weren’t enough to convince us of this, the fact that we can’t seem to go more than...
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