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Buy low and sell high.

Five words that sum up how to make money investing.

But … did you know mutual funds are designed to stop you from buying them at a low price and selling them at a high price?

Most investors don’t realize it.

But it’s true.

Wall Street structured them that way.

So millions of Americans… maybe even you… put the majority of their money into mutual funds where they CAN’T “buy low, sell high.”

Then they wonder why their nest egg didn’t grow as big as they thought it would.
It’s one of the biggest open secrets on Wall Street.

And millionaire investor, James Altucher just explained why…

It’s about how he avoids paying full price for his investments (virtually guaranteeing “buying low”) — click here to view it.

If you don’t know James, you should.

For instance, years ago James started his first hedge fund at the urging of Victor Niederhoffer.

Victor once held the title of #1 hedge fund manager in the world. And is widely considered “the father of statistical arbitrage.”

And James raised $33 million then delivered 121% the first year.

He’s also…

Run a $125 million venture capital firm.

Sat on the board of a $600 million company.

Made around $80,000 a month from his investments in early-stage tech firms (like the 6,000% gain he made investing in Buddy Media… or the 4,000% gain in Ticketfly).

And started a business at his kitchen table with just $2,000 and sold it 9 months later for $10 million.

Plus, he’s connected with just about every major hedge fund manager in Manhattan… and ever major venture capital firm in Silicon Valley.

And can count the editors-in-chief of almost every major financial publication (like The Wall Street Journal and The Financial Times) among his contacts.

LinkedIn rated him one of their top influencers of 2015. I was rated #4, right after three billionaires: Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and Mohamed El-Erian.

James is famous for his outside-the -box investment views.

And his explanation for why (and how) you’ll never pay full price for an investment is one of the most eye-opening things I’ve seen this year.

I urge you to view it now.



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