Beware of this popular bedtime snack – it contains a ticking time bomb that can ruin your sleep.
Vitamins & Supliementa
Beware of this popular bedtime snack – it contains a ticking time bomb that can ruin your sleep.

So why do some health websites recommend it?

Because, they say, this snack helps you fall asleep.

And guess what? It might!

But watch out...

Although you may feel drowsy after eating it, this snack can WAKE YOU UP in the middle of the night (like a blaring alarm clock) ...

... and then keep you up!

(In fact, this is the most common reason my patients wake at 3 AM and can’t fall back asleep for hours.)

But, it’s not coffee or chocolate or anything with caffeine.

See what it is here:

⇒ The worst food to eat before bed

To your health,

Dr. Marlene Merritt

P.S. I’ll also share my perfect bedtime snack. I love it because it’s delicious and it helps me stay asleep the whole night. Discover my perfect bedtime snack here.
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