November 3, 2016

The 10 Best Sandwiches in America

What makes a great sandwich? Is it the bread? The fillings? The quality of the ingredients? Or is it how all the components work together? Whatever the formula, these 10 sandwiches have it down pat, because they’re the absolute best restaurant...Read More
Katz's Deli

11 Foods to Keep Your Skin Healthy All Winter

In November, the cold weather is refreshing and inviting, but by January, it’s just torture. Sub-zero temperatures and chilling gusts, at least in much of the country, make leaving the house a distressing ordeal, but these frigid conditions can also...Read More

Seltzer and Club Soda: What’s The Difference?

At some point in our lives, just about everyone has wondered what exactly the difference is between seltzer and club soda. Seriously, aren’t they both just carbonated water? Well, wonder no more, friends, because we’re here to put your curiosity to...Read More
Club Soda

Elijah Craig Unveils New Major Redesign of Flagship Small Batch

Heaven Hill Distillery, one of the nation’s oldest and foremost American whiskey producers, unveiled a major redesign of flagship Elijah Craig Small Batch American whiskey. Elijah Craig Small Batch was first introduced in 1986, long before...Read More
elijah craig

Here’s What Really Happens When You Put Metal in a Microwave

It’s something that’s been drilled into our heads from a young age (or at least it should have been): Never, ever put metal in a microwave. We’ve all accidentally left a twist-tie or some aluminum foil in there accidentally, however, and the...Read More

New and Delicious: Week of October 31, 2016

 Blueberry CakeTry this deliciously light cake from Moore or Less Cooking, baked full of blueberries and drizzled with a lemon and sour cream glaze.For the Blueberry Cake recipe, click here.Cherry ClafoutisAppeasing A Food Geek creates a recipe...Read More
Sweet Potato Squash Soup

We Discovered the Most Adorable McDonald’s in the World — in Paris

While on a recent trip to Paris, we stumbled upon a very curious-looking McDonald’s wedged between two ornate Haussmann-style buildings on the bustling Rue Saint-Lazare, right across from the Gare Saint-Lazare. It clearly wasn’t originally built as...Read More
McDonald's Paris

Chefs Who Give: The Ones Who Throw Events

This is the first in a three-part series about how chefs give back to their neighborhoods and beyond. Stay tuned over the next two days for more.Chefs are some of the most charitable people around. Whether they’re giving their time and resources...Read More
Southern Smoke

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