December 11, 2016

The 10 Most Stomach-Churning Traditional Christmas Foods

Listen, we know that every family has its Christmas traditions. And we’re not going to criticize your mom for serving the same Christmas dishes that she grew up eating. But as some point you need to take a step back and look at some traditional...Read More

11 Biggest Food Recalls of 2016

Voluntary food recalls are a shockingly common occurrence within the American food system. For example, in just the first eight days of December 2016 there have been nine foods recalls by the Food and Drug Administration, and another two by the Food...Read More

This Gelato Looks (But Doesn’t Taste) Exactly Like Spaghetti

Savory desserts are becoming quite the trend lately, but is spaghetti ice cream taking it too far? The spaghetti gelato cone, a prank dessert from Gelato and Angels gelateria in Manhattan Beach, California, is made to look exactly like spaghetti...Read More
Spaghetti gelato may sound gross, but it’s actually a sweet dessert in disguise.

5 Christmas Gifts That Will Inspire Your Kid to Be a Good Cook

Christmas comes but once a year, and that raises one major question: What should you get your kids? If you’re lucky, they’ll have a laundry list of ideas for you to pick and choose from this holiday season. But  if you’re looking for something...Read More
Girl cooking

A Gentile's Guide to Hanukkah

December is a month dominated by Christmas. Between the specials on TV, the songs on the radio, and the Christmas trees in every store, other holiday celebrations can quickly get lost in the shuffle. But there is another religious holiday in the...Read More

Cooking With Candy Canes

To get into the holiday spirit we reached out to our Culinary Content Network of food bloggers in search of festive recipes made with cheerful and sweet candy canes.[related] Before we dive into the recipe, here are some fun facts you may not know...Read More
Peppermint Hot Chocolate

Tired of Boring Yule Logs? Now You Can Watch Sizzling Bacon Instead

For decades, the Yule Log has been the ever-present (and, frankly, monotonous) video display that made those without fireplaces feel a sense of homey comfort on their TV screens.[related]But the regular Yule Log is a thing of the past. Now we have...Read More
DEK: The Applegate Yule Log adds a touch of sizzling bacon to the traditional image of a crackling fire

Hooked on Cheese: Three Perfect Holiday Cheeses

We’ve finally reached the holiday season, when office parties, family gatherings, and friend-filled celebrations abound. Being “The Cheese Guy,” I bring cheese to most parties I attend throughout the year, but in the cold winter months I’ve found...Read More
Goat cheeses

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