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March 11, 2017


The 10 Most Valuable Comic Books Sold at Auction

FINRA Files Second Proposal on General Knowledge Exam

Diana Britton

The regulator is reaching out to four-year schools and graduate programs to educate them about the new exam, which could be taken without a sponsor firm.

Warning Signs for an Overly Bullish Market

David Ader

Informa’s David Ader sees flashing signals on overheated market in the Daily Sentiment Index and U.S. large cap fund flows.

Termination Is Not the End of the World

Mindy Diamond

Five steps you need to take to save your career.

Clients Want Immediate Response? How to Temper Expectations

Ryan Beach

Technology can help manage your clients’ demand for an immediate response to their questions.

Top 20 Wealth Centers Worldwide

David H. Lenok

Which cities matter most to the ultra-high-net worth?

These Are the 10 Cars to Watch for at the Amelia Island Auctions

Hannah Elliott | Bloomberg

Porsches. And Jaguars. And Bentleys. Oh my!

Morgan Stanley Chooses New Head of Wealth Management Investment Resources

Michael Thrasher

Lisa Shalett has succeeded Mike Wilson, who was recently promoted to U.S. chief equity strategist.

Spotting Cash Balance Plan Opportunities

Ed McCarthy

How to identify employers ready to make the switch.

A Quarter of Wealthy Investors Don’t Have an Advisor, Study Says

Diana Britton

Investors say they prefer to make their own investment decisions, an indication that advisors underestimate the need to broaden their services, according to a new CFA study.




When politics enters the workplace.
