July 6, 2016

The 12 Most Cholesterol-Laden Fast Food Items

By now it’s common knowledge that the majority of the foods served at fast food restaurants are, for lack of a better term, really bad for you. Even though a single McDonald's cheeseburger is relatively low in fat and calories, it’s also very low in...Read More
Chipotle Burrito

Six Wines that Put the 'Sweet' into Sweet Summertime

Too often we forget that sweet wines are great sipping beverages during the hot days of summer, especially when served chilled and paired with fresh fruit or lively cheeses — a great seasonal substitute for afternoon tea.Here are six such wines from...Read More

Have Chicken Pox? 5 Foods to Eat and Avoid

Chicken pox is one of the most uncomfortable diseases, which typically affects children. Although symptoms can often include a fever, headache, sore throat, or stomach ache, the worst part about this extremely contagious illness is the red,...Read More
Foods to avoid while sick

9 Foods That Make You Tastier to Mosquitos

Summer is in full swing, and our favorite season brings with it outdoor parties, weekend picnics, days at the beach, and, less excitingly, hoards of pesky mosquitos. Sometimes it can seem as if those mosquitos feast even more than we do...Read More
Mosquitos’ Fav Foods

Which Plant Did Ancient Egyptians Call The Plant of Immortality, And Why?

For as long as humankind has been walking around, we’ve been trying to use the things that grow around us to cure our ailments. This was especially true in ancient times, when manufactured pharmaceuticals were still a long way off. But only one...Read More
Aloe Vera

11 Diet-Killing Snack Cravings and What to Eat Instead

It’s 11:35 p.m., you’re about to embark on your third episode of Bloodline, and you suddenly crave ice cream. You’ve already had three full meals today (and a handful of cashews), but you really want two or three scoops of mint chocolate chip before...Read More
busted late night snack

America's 15 Best Burgers

Is there any food more quintessentially American than the burger? The simple sandwich of ground beef on a bun allows for considerable creativity from the chef or home cook who's making it, and there are thousands of variations, from one end of the...Read More
Holeman & Finch Burger

20 Finger Foods From Around the World

Much to the chagrin of etiquette schools across the globe, eating is an activity best executed with your hands — and thankfully most cuisines have caught onto this in the form of one dish or another.[related]Click here for 20 Finger Foods From...Read More
20 Finger Foods From Around the World

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