July 19, 2016

The 15 Best Chain Restaurant Happy Hours

Ahh, happy hour. That brief, shining window, generally during weekday afternoons and early evenings, when bars roll back drink prices in an effort to lure in customers. But while bars are still great sources of happy hours, plenty of restaurants are...Read More
McCormick & Schmick's

The Ultimate Guide to Campfire S’mores

No other food screams summer quite as much as a perfectly molten s’more, cooked gently and slowly over the flames of a campfire. These charred-marshmallow and chocolate-filled treats have been enjoyed by kids (and grown-ups) throughout America since...Read More

24 Best College Towns in America for Food

When high school students start applying to college, their future degree and quality of education should come first and foremost. Of course, it’s also important to remember that not all 24 hours of every day will be spent in a classroom or library....Read More
24 Best College Towns in America for Food

Creative, Crazy Ice Cream Recipes the Kids Will Love

In the heart of the kids’ summer vacation, ice cream has become an almost-daily treat. You have probably been dividing your ice cream-eating sessions between the ever-singing truck and the pints of Ben and Jerry’s in your freezer, but it’s time to...Read More
Cookie Ice Cream

15 Anti-Inflammatory Foods You Should Be Eating Right Now

"A healthy diet is beneficial not only for reducing the risk of chronic diseases, but also for improving mood and overall quality of life." Dr. Frank Hu, professor of nutrition and epidemiology in the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard...Read More
Anti-Inflammatory Beets

You Won't Believe These 10 Over-the-Top Mac & Cheese Dishes

Macaroni and cheese is one of those foods that’s perfect just the way it is: as a mixture of macaroni and cheese. But that’s not stopping anybody from turning it into completely outrageous creations! We tracked 10 of the wildest plays on this...Read More

Plant-Based Hot Dog Recipes in Honor of National Hot Dog Month

Follow a plant-based diet but looking for ways to join in on the National Hot Dog Month fun? While traditional hot dogs are a classic American food enjoyed at summer BBQ’s and at tailgates across the country, not all dogs are created equal! Plant-...Read More
hot dogs

The Ultimate Guide to Ribs

It’s grilling season, y’all! Stock up on charcoal or wood chips, and be sure to grab plenty of wet naps, because today we are talking ribs: sweet and smoky, sticky, saucy, meaty, finger-licking good, fall-off-the-bone ribs. The Daily Meal...Read More
Ultimate Guide to Ribs

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