
Your Wish Is the Universe's Command starts TODAY!

Thousands of people are completing the first day’s activity right now as you read this... Click here to start the first day with us! 
Today, we’re SETTING AN INTENTION for the next 21 days... What do you want to draw into your life, John?

✨ Health and wholeness?
✨ All-encompassing peace?
✨ Elevated consciousness? 
✨ Ever-deepening love?
✨ Acceptance of all that is?

Then, tomorrow, I'll show you exactly how to MAKE YOUR WISH to the Universe (this is an art that can make all the difference!)

And over the next 21 days, I’ll teach you how to work together with the Universe—when to act and when to surrender to the flow—to make your wish a reality.

See you on the other side, xo -
P.S. John, if you start today, you can move through it with us day-by-day from the beginning, and be part of the powerful collective energy. ✨ 
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