CIO Daily

November 14, 2019

Image: The 22 best project management tools for business

The 22 best project management tools for business

Having the right set of tools to tackle analytics, requirements, change, and project progress will help project managers perform at their best. Read more ▶

Your Must-Read Stories


IT-business alignment in the digital age


IT’s new ROI: Return on innovation


Take the 2020 State of the CIO survey


A ‘first 100-days’ plan for the new CIO


7 ways to spot and help overwhelmed IT staffers


The chief data officer: The CIO’s newest ally


Chipotle doubles digital sales with loyalty program

eBook: Netscout Systems Inc

Strengthen Cybersecurity with Visibility

This eBook offers tips and best practices for how to best establish a strong cybersecurity posture by ensuring comprehensive and consistent visibility into all network traffic, providing SecOps teams with the data they need to proactively detect, investigate, and mitigate cyberthreats. Read more ▶

Image: IT-business alignment in the digital age

IT-business alignment in the digital age

The most effective IT models are tightly aligned with desired business outcomes. Getting there may require a new IT operating model. Read more ▶

Image: Truebill can help you manage your finances—and it’s free to download


Truebill can help you manage your finances—and it’s free to download

Truebill makes it easy to track your monthly budget and lower unnecessary payments. Read more ▶

Image: IT’s new ROI: Return on innovation

IT’s new ROI: Return on innovation

CIOs struggle to temper business expectations of 100 percent innovation success with the realities. Here’s how to foster a healthy innovation outlook. Read more ▶

Image: Take the 2020 State of the CIO survey

Take the 2020 State of the CIO survey

CIO is currently fielding the 19th annual State of the CIO survey to gain a better understanding of how the role of the CIO continues to evolve in today’s business climate and to help define the CIO agenda for 2020. We greatly value your expertise – participate in the survey today Read more ▶

Image: A ‘first 100-days’ plan for the new CIO

A ‘first 100-days’ plan for the new CIO

SAIC CIO Nathan Rogers offers an approach for managing your new CIO job. Read more ▶

Image: 7 ways to spot and help overwhelmed IT staffers

7 ways to spot and help overwhelmed IT staffers

When workloads go over the top, employee performance can sink. Identifying and supporting beleaguered staffers can help you boost productivity and stem turnover. Read more ▶

Image: The chief data officer: The CIO’s newest ally

The chief data officer: The CIO’s newest ally

As organizations shift to data-driven strategies, the CDO role is rising. But to succeed as an entity, the CIO and CDO must work in concert — with clear delineations in responsibilities. Read more ▶

Image: Chipotle doubles digital sales with loyalty program

Chipotle doubles digital sales with loyalty program

The quick-service chain remade its mobile app and loyalty reward experience, which helped boost digital sales by 88 percent. Here’s how CTO Curt Garner tackled the challenge. Read more ▶

White Paper: Unitrends

Unitrends Backup and DRaaS IT Buyer’s Guide

With hundreds of vendors available, how do you pick the best Backup and Disaster Recovery solution for your organization? We examine the five best ways to beat data loss and downtime. Read more ▶

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