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The 5-Minute Fix
Keeping up with politics is easy now

Your 5-Minute Fix author is out, but we have plenty great Fix content for you, below. Enjoy, and Happy 4th!



If you’re a new 5-Minute Fix reader, sign up here. If you’re a regular, forward this to anyone you think wants to sounds like they know what they’re talking about in 2016. And don’t forget to follow me on Twitter, which is where I take suggestions on gifs!

Thumb not tired yet // trying to avoid someone? Read these awesome pieces:
Taking a page out of Obama’s book, Hillary Clinton bids farewell to the Toast
And if you don't know what the Toast is, that's kind of the point.
Why do millennials hate America?
Millennials are the least proud Americans in America.
A fact checker looked into 158 things Donald Trump said. 78 percent were false.
78 percent of fact-checked Trump statements have been rated Mostly False, False or Pants on Fire.
How Donald Trump’s 1993 comments about ‘Indians’ previewed much of his 2016 campaign
Mocking political correctness, annoyance at authority -- and, of course, an aggrieved political majority.
Donald Trump’s top two VP picks have both been hugely unpopular, too
Few politicians have seen the lows that Gingrich and Christie have seen.
Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch just made Hillary’s email problems even worse
This was a horrible idea. And they both should have known better.
Donald Trump’s preferred way of blowing off a question? He’s going to ‘look at it.’
A brief list of things the campaign is or has been looking at.
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