TODAY'S TOP STORIES - August 3, 2017

The 5 Basic Types of Trump Voter, According to a Revealing New Poll

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

The president's base is more fragile than it looks. Here's where Democrats can make real inroads. READ MORE»

Samantha Bee Nails the GOP's Sadistic Plan to Sabotage Obamacare

By Jennie Neufeld, AlterNet

"You break it, you pretend it was already broken and let people die to score political points." READ MORE»

The Trump Administration Is Breaking Out in a Mafia-Style Civil War

By Bob Brigham, Raw Story

The Bannon and McMaster factions have reportedly "gone to the mattresses." READ MORE»

'Morning Joe' Loses It After Stephen Miller Insults the Statue of Liberty

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

"Like something out of Mein Kampf." READ MORE»

The Exploding Scandal That Should Cost Sean Hannity His Job

By John Whitehouse, Media Matters

The Fox News pundit has serially misinformed the public. Now he's profiteering off a family's suffering. READ MORE»

The Police State Trump Is Building Is Far More Destructive to American Democracy Than Any Collusion with Russia

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Three years after Ferguson, the administration seeks to militarize policing even more. It's a dangerous path. READ MORE»

Why Trump's White House Is So Threatened by This Veteran Correspondent

By Chris Riotta, Newsweek

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is just the latest administration official to spar with April Ryan. READ MORE»

Stephen Miller Once Dumped a Childhood Friend Because He Was Latino

By Gabe Ortiz, DailyKos

Hostility toward people of color has been a lifelong passion for the presidential adviser. READ MORE»

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