July 15, 2016

The 60 (Plus) Coolest People in Food and Drink

Every year at The Daily Meal, we publish our rankings of America's most powerful people in food and most successful chefs, and we regularly cover all the most interesting, accomplished, and innovative figures in the food and drink...Read More
60 coolest people in food and drink

7 Ridiculously Extravagant Gender-Reveal Cakes

Gender-reveal parties are a fairly new phenomenon, which have already got out of hand. While we understand that finding out the sex of your child at the 20-week ultrasound scan is a huge moment for parents-to-be, we’re not sure the celebrations that...Read More

Time-Saving Tips for Make-Ahead Lunches You Actually Want to Eat

There’s no reason to have another depressing, drab desk lunch ever again. No more overpriced, bland salads or pricey, soggy sandwiches; Instead, you’re going to be making your own lunch to take to work every day of the week, and we promise it won’t...Read More
Quinoa Salad

12 Foods and Drinks That Will Keep You Up at Night

How did you sleep last night? We hope you slept like a baby, since the medical benefits of a good night's rest simply cannot be overemphasized. “Sleep is vital for allowing your brain to regenerate after a long day, and being well-rested helps to...Read More
Sleep-Ruining Foods

How to Make the Cheesecake Factory’s Recipes at Home

When you hear, “Let’s go to The Cheesecake Factory,” your mind probably races to the long bakery case at the front of every restaurant where you can imagine yourself drooling over the crazy number of heavenly, decadent cheesecake options. (My...Read More
Tasty Cheesecake Factory Recipes

10 State Fair Foods That'll Give You a Heart Attack From 10 Feet Away

Every summer, millions of Americans flock to their state’s annual State Fair. Some come for the carnival rides, some for the concerts, some for the rodeo, some for the giant vegetables. But in recent years, some state fairs have become renowned for...Read More
Candy Apples

Here’s Why You Should Never Let Your Kid Order off the Kid’s Menu

When you visit a restaurant with a children’s menu, you can generally always expect them to be essentially all the same: hot dog, small hamburger, microwaved frozen pizza, macaroni and cheese, occasionally with infantile names like Minnie Mouse and...Read More
Personal Pizza

Are These the 7 Worst Amusement and Theme Parks in America?

To have a successful amusement or theme park (we’ve included both in this article), you need a few important ingredients. First, there obviously needs to be a theme of some sort. Most parks don’t have a problem with this aspect, since the theme can...Read More
Are These the 7 Worst Amusement and Theme Parks in America?

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