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Esther Solomon  
Esther Solomon

Self-absorbed, sanctimonious and often superficial, the American Jewish left is alienated from the real-life struggle for justice in Israel and Palestine. It offered little solidarity during the Netanyahu era, and now, with a new "change" coalition in power, its refusal to engage with the Jews and Arabs of the Israeli left is more hurtful, and harmful, than ever.

That's the assessment of Etan Nechin on U.S. Jewish leftists of the Peter Beinart school and beyond.

There's been a ruckus on the U.S. evangelical right, too, in the wake of Netanyahu's ouster. Joshua Shanes berates the sickening antisemitism to which some disappointed "pro-Israel" Christian Zionists have pivoted.

In response, Judah Isseroff notes that the evangelicals' "cosmic drama" involves Jews whether they like it or not – and their agency in that story is a stark contrast to earlier Christian doctrines of Jewish helplessness.

For Palestinians, the big question is whether the Bennett-Lapid government will mean a change in Israel's policies of settlement and occupation. Palestinian Authority Minister Ahmad Majdalani asks if Netanyahu's toxic legacy will live on.

Hanin Majadli isn't joining in the whoops of delight about the new government. As an Arab citizen, she can't find much to delight her in a coalition between the pro-settlement Jewish right and Islamist conservatives.

Naftali Bennett has a long record as a right-wing provocateur. Guy Ziv asks if he's really capable of rolling back the damage Netanyahu caused to Israel's democracy.

There's good news for incoming Foreign Minister Yair Lapid from India where, says Abhinav Pandya, the Hindu nationalist government which had hesitated to back Israel and thus downgrade its support for Palestine, seems to have made the leap.

For Harun Karcic, when the sentence for Serbian genocidaire Ratko Mladic was upheld last week, he was flooded with childhood memories: Departing on the last civilian bus from a besieged Sarajevo, women and children shaking with fear, leaving his father behind. The butchers of Bosnia's Muslims are in jail, he writes, but there hasn't been justice.

Pro-Palestinian supporters demonstrate across the street from the Israeli Consulate following the flare-up of Israeli-Palestinian violence in the Manhattan borough of New York City, New York
The American Jewish Left's Untimely Abandonment of Israel's Leftists
Etan Nechin | 16.06.2021
Evangelical leader Mike Evans at the second annual Christian Media Summit held at the Friends of Zion Museum he founded
'Pro-Israel' Evangelicals Furious at Netanyahu's Fall Turn to Sickening Antisemitism
Joshua Shanes | 06.06.2021
Binghamtown Baptist Church, Middlesboro, KY, a screenshot from 'Til Kingdom Come,' a documentary about Evangelical support for Israel and financial framework behind it
Should Jews Fear Fanatically pro-Israel, Philosemitic U.S. Evangelicals?
Judah Isseroff | 16.06.2021
Protesters demonstrate against the eviction in Sheikh Jarrah, last month
Palestinians Have a Clear Message for the New Israeli Government
Ahmad Majdalani | 14.06.2021
United Arab List's Mansour Abbas speaks with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett as the Knesset is sworn in, Sunday.
Sorry, but as an Arab, Israel's New Government Doesn't Make Me Happy
Hanin Majadli | 14.06.2021
Prime Minister designate, Naftali Bennett, head of the Yamina party, at the Knesset earlier this month
Can Bennett, a Right-wing Provocateur, Save Israel's Democracy?
Guy Ziv | 13.06.2021
Israeli settlers sit on the rooftop of a house decorated with the Star of David in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of east Jerusalem.
Israel’s Policies in East Jerusalem Are Outrageous, Idiotic and Unjust
Eric H. Yoffie | 11.06.2021
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) supporters wear masks of Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a rally ahead of West Bengal state elections in Kolkata, India
Modi’s India Has Chosen Israel Over Palestine
Abhinav Pandya | 10.06.2021
'Ours was the last civilian bus to leave before the city was besieged by Bosnian Serbs...My father stayed behind in Sarajevo'
The Butchers of Bosnia's Muslims Are in Jail, but There Hasn't Been Justice
Harun Karcic | 10.06.2021 - הארץ
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