Hello there. I’m wrapping up my imperfect sabbatical and still collecting some thoughts to share shortly. Before I fully re-emerge (I couldn’t help but check in once in a while here with you all because it felt like something more than work), I have a final retreat to make; but I’ll be back next week. In the meantime, I’ve got a poem to share. This one is especially moody (blame it on the dreary weather). But I feel compelled to try to explain it (which is against the religion of any poet). Suffice to say there’s a lot of personal stuff here, Easter eggs about family and preceding generations and how every story is really an intersection of several narratives all woven together and wrapping around each other, never starting or ending—just dancing. If you’ll believe it, this one began as a simple idea that the start of any year is an arbitrary demarcation, not a true thing in any sense of the word—and yet, still perhaps something useful. We say “Happy New Year” and the like when really it’s just another day. But there is something powerful and vulnerable in the act of starting over, in beginning again and admitting when you need a reset. I certainly could use one myself right now, which is why I’m headed for a solo trip to the woods tomorrow. Oh, and if you’re wanting to join us for the Bestseller Bootcamp in a couple of weeks (Jan. 24 10am-2pm CT), there’s still space. The price goes up on Monday, so don’t miss out. You can get all the details here and sign up here. Would love to see you there. Spots are limited (last I checked, we had about eight left). Once they’re gone, they’re gone, and I don’t plan on doing another one of these anytime soon. And without further ado, below is the new poem. See what little nuggets you can find hidden in it. Would love to hear your thoughts. To Start a YearHow do you start a year? Truth is, Sometimes, you can’t tell if your abandonment comes from God Where did those friends from childhood go? Maybe this is all growing up is Where does my story begin? Where will my tale conclude? I want to hope Thank you for reading The Ghost. This post is public so feel free to share it. |