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The Art of the Smear
This Man Spent Two Years Trying to Destroy a Journalist’s Reputation Online
Financier Benjamin Wey called reporter Dune Lawrence a racist, fraud, incompetent, and more. This is her story.

Today's Top Stories

Number 01

Obama Chooses Garland to Replace Scalia on Supreme Court

The president nominated Merrick Garland, chief judge of the federal appeals court in Washington and one of the most respected jurists in the country, to the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday. Garland is “widely recognized not only as one of America’s sharpest legal minds, but someone who brings to his work a spirit of decency, modesty, integrity, even-handedness and excellence,” Obama said.

Number 02

Trump Causes Fox to Scuttle Debate, Warns of Possible Convention Riots

Fresh off three more primary victories, Donald Trump said Wednesday he’ll blow off the next Republican presidential debate, causing Fox to cancel and warned of “riots” if power-brokers deny him the nomination at the convention even if he's leading in the delegate count.

Number 03

How an Affair Between a Valley VC and Exotic Dancer Turned Toxic

Venture capitalist Michael Goguen and exotic dancer Amber Baptiste met at a Dallas strip club in the early 2000s and started spending time together. That’s about all they agree on.

Number 04

How Apple Helped Me Crack iPhones Like Clockwork

For years, cops who wanted to break into iPhones knew the drill. All they had to do was get a warrant and make an application under a catch-all law called the All Writs Act. Warrant in hand, prosecutors would send the locked phones to Apple. Weeks later, Apple would send data from the phones, such as text messages, photos and contacts, back to law enforcement. So why is Apple making such a big deal about unlocking iPhones now?

Number 05

Gadfly: Chipotle Can’t Even Give the Stuff Away

Despite blanketing the country with coupons for free burritos, Chipotle sales continued to tank in the past two months. Now it expects to post a $1-per-share loss in the first quarter, instead of the break-even quarter it initially forecast. What gives? It turns out that you don’t make a lot of money when you give your product away for free.

Tour the Toybox
Mark Zuckerberg Is Oculus’s VR Ambassador
The Facebook CEO regularly acts as a Silicon Valley ambassador to world leaders. The first stop on his usual tour takes visiting dignitaries into the virtual world via his company’s Oculus Rift virtual-reality headset.
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