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The Rum Rebellion
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Dear Reader,

Hi, Brian Chu here, the new editor of Rock Stock Insider.

I’m also the founder of the Australian Gold Fund — a family office investment fund that invests solely in Australian gold stocks.

I don’t know of any other investment fund in this country that does this.  

My fund has delivered:

  • 20% annual outperformance over six years
  • 169% returns since January 2017 versus the ASX Gold Index’s 91%
  • And 626% returns since July 2015 versus the ASX Gold Index’s 217%

I don’t list these figures to boast. I do it so you can see right from the get-go that I know what I’m talking about when it comes to gold and gold stocks.

You should also know that what I’m seeing now is something pretty historic in the making.

It’s clear gold is stepping back onto the stage. But most investors don’t yet see what kind of starring role it’s about to play.

And that’s your ‘in’.

I’ve laid out in a new report what I think happens next, now that gold has finally broken out of its consolidation pattern. And the strategy I suggest you enact right now in order to take advantage.

This report is called ‘5 Gold Investments to Make Now’.

If you already invest in gold…want to get started…or just want to take advantage of what I believe is soon going to be mainstream news, this is a must-read.

Click here to learn more.


Brian Chu Signature

Brian Chu

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