Plus, what Matt Drudge's feud with Trump means for the election, and more...
September 3, 2020
The Battle of Portland

How mass protests against racist police brutality sparked a historic federal crackdown on dissent

By Sarah Jeong


Why Matt Drudge’s Feud With Donald Trump Matters The falling-out says a lot about the state of conservative media in 2020—and may herald some good news for Joe Biden.By Alex Shephard
You Might Not Know If Your Kid Has Covid-19
In a recent study, two-thirds of kids with Covid-19 didn’t have recognizable symptoms. That’s bad news for pandemic containment.By Melody Schreiber
Wall Street’s Greedy Indifference to Human MiseryThe disparity between the soaring stock market and struggling Americans perfectly epitomizes the country’s grotesque inequality.
By Timothy Noah


The Hollow Gospel of Personal Investing Apps Despite the lofty promises of fintech firms like Robinhood, there’s no such thing as “finance for all.”By J.C. Pan
The Making of the “Good CIA” In history and pop culture, a wave of revisionism has subtly cleaned up the agency’s image.By Greg Barnhisel


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