November 17, 2016

The Best and Worst Health News of 2016

Headlines tend to be concise and sometimes oversimplified, theoretically telling readers what a story is about in a few words. Unfortunately, this concision often leads to imprecision, and readers take reports of “breakthrough” research more...Read More
The “Five-Second Rule” Was Disproved

Here’s What Your Favorite Thanksgiving Pie Says About You

No Thanksgiving plate would be complete without dessert, and the dessert du jour is the pie. Apple pie, pumpkin pie, sweet potato pie, even the unseasonal strawberry pie: They’re all great. And they all help to make the wonderful holiday of...Read More

Thanksgiving Dishes Across America

There is a classic version of the Thanksgiving dinner (perhaps courtesy of Normal Rockwell) that comes to mind when we think of the holiday: roast turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, mashed potatoes, a side of vegetables, and pie. Yet, the...Read More

5 Harry Potter Foods That Make You Want to Be a Wizard

This Friday, Nov. 18, the world will once again dive into the world of Harry Potter with the release of the movie Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Though there are many parts of the magical world that we wish we could partake in, the one...Read More
Harry Potter

This Is the Dirtiest Thing In Your Kitchen

The dirtiest item in your house isn’t the trash can or the toilet seat or the floor— it’s the sponge in your kitchen sink. Ironically, the main tool used to clean the kitchen is almost certainly spreading bacteria around even as it appears to be...Read More
This Is the Dirtiest Thing in Your Kitchen

5 Games to Pass the Time While Thanksgiving Dinner Cooks

Thanksgiving is definitely one of the biggest family gatherings of the year. It’s a time when you get to see your loved ones, catch up, and spend quality time together. However, Thanksgiving can also include a lot of idle time, especially if...Read More
Family playing a game

Scottish Salmon Fishery Has Solution to Fans' ‘Game of Thrones’ Withdrawal

 It's been a while since HBO's broadcast of the Season 6 finale of Game of Thrones and rabid fans are in a state of severe, prolonged, painful waiting until next year for the continuation of George R. R. Martin's bloody saga whose action takes...Read More
Fishery owner with packaged salmon

Where to Find the Best Seasonal Treats in New York City

We all know how glorious fall is, but there is more to this crisp season than just pretty leaves and pumpkin spice lattes (which we, too, love). Ingredients like cinnamon, sweet potato, butterscotch, and more are making their rounds in the best...Read More
Milk Bar

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