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November 7, 2020

Here’s a roundup of TNR’s most-read articles following the 2020 race for the White House. To ensure you don’t miss out on more of the best independent journalism in the country, subscribe today.

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Will the Democrats Ever Make Sense of This Week?

They’re more likely to take the wrong lessons from Biden’s win and the down-ballot losses.

By Osita Nwanevu


Grassroots Democrats Wanted to Protect the Vote. Then National Organizers Abandoned Them. Resistance groups spent months planning for this week, but it devolved into infighting about how to answer Trump’s attempt to steal the election.By Micah L. Sifry
Trump’s Divorce From Fox News Is Getting Ugly The right-wing network was gearing up to cast itself as the leader of the anti-Biden resistance. But a drawn-out election has put it in conflict with President Trump and his supporters.
By Alex Shephard


What If Democrats’ Message Just Doesn’t Matter?

Florida voters backed a $15 minimum wage. So did Joe Biden—and he lost the state. There are important lessons here for the party.

By Alex Pareene
The Futility of the Democrats’ Record-Breaking War ChestLiberals lined the campaigns of Senate hopefuls with mountainous piles of campaign loot, only to watch it all burn up on election night.
By Libby Watson


Trump’s Legal Threats Have More Bravado Than Merit So far, the election results have provided the president with lots of fuel for bluster but few avenues for the courts to interfere.By Matt Ford
North Carolina Keeps Breaking My Heart Searching for hope and finding more reasons for despair in my home state
By Nick Martin


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